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Security Stronghold threat catalog

Threats type: Ransomware

Artemis (Optimus) from the operating system


ASN1 Ransomware


Atchbo Ransomware

ATKL and prevent it from further encryptions

Atom Ransomware



Australian Communications And Media Authority

Australian Federal Police ICSPA Virus

Australian Federal Police Ukash Virus

Austrian Police Virus

Austrian Polizei Virus

Autoren Komponisten Musikverleger Virus

Avoid beinged to

Avoid beinged to

Avoid data and monetary loss caused by Sapphire

Avoid data loss caused by FreezedByWizard

Avoid data loss caused using Hermes837

Avoid financial and data loss that can be caused by Zatrov

Avoid having a computer infected with Karl

Avoid having a computer infected with Pack14

Avoid having data encrypted by Lost_Files

Avoid having files encrypted by Hakbit

Avoid having files encrypted with Caley

Avoid having installed on a computer

Avoid installation of PAY IT OR LOST IT

Avoid installation of Sherminator

Avoid loss of data caused by Derp

Ransomware is a type of threat which blocks access to the computer system that it infects, and asks for ransom paid to the developers, in order for the lock to be removed. Some forms of ransomware encrypt files (usually documents) on the system's hard drive (cryptoviral), some simply lock the system and display messages intended to make user pay.

Latest forms of winlock ransomware block users access to Safe Mode. Latest versions of cryptolockers use BitCoin or third-rate payment systems which make it hard for police to track them. Stronghold AntiMalware successfully removes latest ransomware thanks to it's Hybrid Cloud technology.

Security Stronghold threat catalog: 3011, current: 121150

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